
Software Engineering Skills
Software Engineering …

A lot of my friends come to me and ask about the skills required to grow in the software engineering field. The primary intention behind their questions is usually to understand which latest technologies they need to learn. Should they focus on improving their Python or Java skills? Should they …

Sequence Diagrams using Mermaid
Sequence Diagrams using …

I have been creating designs for software solutions for quite some time now. A picture is worth a thousand words and hence the different diagrams really help in expressing the software designs in a better way to fellow team mates. A Sequence diagram is a powerful tool that shows the step-by-step …

Dev Experience
Dev Experience

I recently came across this article on the GitHub blog that discusses how GitHub’s Developer Experience (DX) team improved innerloop development. While reading the article I was reminded of this quote Clients do not come first. Employees come first. If you take care of your employees, they …